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Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

Undergraduate: Boston University

Major:  Broadcasting & Film

Graduate: California State University Los Angeles

Major: Nutritional Science & Sports Nutrition, Student Dietitian

Future Plans: To become a Registered Dietitian


Summer Projects:


Kids & Veggies

“Inside sources” were asked to share their tricks on how to get kids to

eat vegetables.  I analyzed the responses, categorized them, and

integrated the win-win solutions into a paper for submission to a

professional journal.


Food Pantry Redesign

I visited the Immaculate Conception Food Pantry to see if Smarter Lunchroom techniques could be suggested to increase their population’s interest in healthy foods.  After photographing all of the food stations and speaking with the program coordinator, I created a redesigned floor plan incorporating Smarter Lunchroom ways to increase food’s attractiveness, highlight the healthier options, and hopefully increase consumption of fruits and vegetables.


Advice for Future Interns:              

Be open to new experiences and ways of thinking.  Prepare to be challenged to think creatively.  This is a unique and valuable opportunity to explore behavior and perception with the expert in the field.  Don’t forget to take time to enjoy Ithaca and all its beauty!


Michelle D. Katz

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